2023 COSMA Conference
Emphasizing Experiential Learning in Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic Society
February 2-3, 2023 Tampa, FL | Hosted by the University of Tampa Sponsored by: Knowledge Matters Athletic Performance Insight World Student Games Federation |
*link to presentation embedded in presentation title
Experiential Learning for the Contemporary Sport Manager
Mark E. Moore, East Carolina University
Lana L. Huberty, Concordia University-Saint Paul
Development of an Analytical Strategy for Measuring DEI in Sport Organizations
Mark E. Moore, East Carolina University
Lana L. Huberty, Concordia University-Saint Paul
*link to presentation embedded in presentation title
Experiential Learning for the Contemporary Sport Manager
Mark E. Moore, East Carolina University
Lana L. Huberty, Concordia University-Saint Paul
Development of an Analytical Strategy for Measuring DEI in Sport Organizations
Mark E. Moore, East Carolina University
Lana L. Huberty, Concordia University-Saint Paul
Experiential Learning in Higher Education in a Post-Pandemic Society
The COVID-19 pandemic forced significant alterations to our daily lives. While we continue to adjust to a post-pandemic global society, the effects of COVID-19 restrictions, lockdowns, and quarantines are still significant. Within the field of sport management specifically, many pandemic-related safety precautions have become – or are destined to become – standard practice (Hagen et al., 2020; O’Brien, 2020) as the sport industry adjusts and adapts to the “new normal.” However, the balance between the desire for a return to normalcy and adaptation to a post-pandemic society is delicate and necessitates unique discussions regarding health and safety to determine best practices and develop an understanding of how to proceed.
Experiential education is integral to the student experience in higher education (Eyler, 2009; Itin, 1999; Katula & Threnhauser, 2009; Laurin et al., 2014; Smith, 2016; Stanton, 1987). COSMA Principle 7.3 codifies as much:
Experiential learning integrating knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development is essential to a student’s educational experience (2022, p. 57).
Beginning in March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic preempted the scarcity of experiential education and learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in the United States and around the world. Faculty struggled to find meaningful internships, practicums, and placements for students. The market for student-specific experiential development opportunities has shifted in accordance with societal adjustments to the pandemic (Bilsland et al., 2020; Feldman, 2021; Gill, 2020; Park, 2021; Slater & Cojanu, 2021). Amid the changing marketplace, experiential education and learning remains an invaluable component of the greater student experience in the field of sport management.
Accordingly, the changing landscape, market, and structure of experiential education opportunities available to sport management students within higher education is in need of examination. In order for faculty to best serve the needs of students and provide the most valuable educational experience, the 2023 COSMA Conference seeks to serve as a colloquium for students, academicians, and practitioners to engage in constructive discussions regarding the re-formation of the marketplace pertaining to student experiential education and learning opportunities.
Topics examining this theme from a variety of methodological approaches are encouraged.
Nurturing the Growth and Development of Esports in Academia
Guest Reviewer: Dr. Dina Gentile, Endicott College, Content Area Expert
The Esports industry has experienced unprecedented growth over the course of the past decade (Olsen, 2015; Smithies et al., 2020). With a multi-billion-dollar market valuation and a significant market share globally, Esports appears destined to continue to flourish. Accordingly, the study of Esports has generated traction as a content area and academic discipline in higher education. In the United States, major degree programs and minor concentrations focused specifically on the Esports industry continue to materialize in academic catalogs. The popularity of gaming, pervasiveness of Esports tournaments, and financial opportunity within an emerging marketplace lends itself to student interest in Esports as an academic discipline worthy of study (McCarthy, 2019; McClellan et al., 2020; McGrath, 2019).
As a supplement to the Esports Management Summits offered by COSMA and Endicott College, COSMA has issued a call for further research and discussion regarding the implementation of Esports management within the existing institutional setting. Topics of specific note feature: Esports curriculum development, high-impact teaching practices, implementation of competitive teams, and student recruitment initiatives. Topics from all areas related to Esports will be considered while research from a variety of methodological approaches is encouraged.
Incorporating Socially Inclusive Pedagogy
In 2020, COSMA made an organizational commitment to pursue diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within its leadership structure, membership, and the greater field of sport management. Part of this commitment is the continued pledge to advance dialogue around DEI and social justice initiatives. As such, COSMA continues its broad theme of “equity in sport” by focusing on incorporating social justice – and its many variants – in the classroom. As a nationwide audience exposed to social initiatives through the consumption of sport, sport management educators must navigate students’ perceptions and understanding of the field of sport management as it adapts within America and a global society.
Submissions may feature, but are not limited to: Race and Equity; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Gender; Sexual orientation; Disability; Economic class and status, etc. Pedagogy that seeks to provide a voice to marginalized populations increases student awareness and understanding of initiatives that may be unknown or unfamiliar to them (Gale et al., 2017) and can contribute to the formation of a more inclusive society. Topics from all areas related to esports will be considered while research from a variety of methodological approaches is encouraged.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced significant alterations to our daily lives. While we continue to adjust to a post-pandemic global society, the effects of COVID-19 restrictions, lockdowns, and quarantines are still significant. Within the field of sport management specifically, many pandemic-related safety precautions have become – or are destined to become – standard practice (Hagen et al., 2020; O’Brien, 2020) as the sport industry adjusts and adapts to the “new normal.” However, the balance between the desire for a return to normalcy and adaptation to a post-pandemic society is delicate and necessitates unique discussions regarding health and safety to determine best practices and develop an understanding of how to proceed.
Experiential education is integral to the student experience in higher education (Eyler, 2009; Itin, 1999; Katula & Threnhauser, 2009; Laurin et al., 2014; Smith, 2016; Stanton, 1987). COSMA Principle 7.3 codifies as much:
Experiential learning integrating knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development is essential to a student’s educational experience (2022, p. 57).
Beginning in March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic preempted the scarcity of experiential education and learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in the United States and around the world. Faculty struggled to find meaningful internships, practicums, and placements for students. The market for student-specific experiential development opportunities has shifted in accordance with societal adjustments to the pandemic (Bilsland et al., 2020; Feldman, 2021; Gill, 2020; Park, 2021; Slater & Cojanu, 2021). Amid the changing marketplace, experiential education and learning remains an invaluable component of the greater student experience in the field of sport management.
Accordingly, the changing landscape, market, and structure of experiential education opportunities available to sport management students within higher education is in need of examination. In order for faculty to best serve the needs of students and provide the most valuable educational experience, the 2023 COSMA Conference seeks to serve as a colloquium for students, academicians, and practitioners to engage in constructive discussions regarding the re-formation of the marketplace pertaining to student experiential education and learning opportunities.
Topics examining this theme from a variety of methodological approaches are encouraged.
Nurturing the Growth and Development of Esports in Academia
Guest Reviewer: Dr. Dina Gentile, Endicott College, Content Area Expert
The Esports industry has experienced unprecedented growth over the course of the past decade (Olsen, 2015; Smithies et al., 2020). With a multi-billion-dollar market valuation and a significant market share globally, Esports appears destined to continue to flourish. Accordingly, the study of Esports has generated traction as a content area and academic discipline in higher education. In the United States, major degree programs and minor concentrations focused specifically on the Esports industry continue to materialize in academic catalogs. The popularity of gaming, pervasiveness of Esports tournaments, and financial opportunity within an emerging marketplace lends itself to student interest in Esports as an academic discipline worthy of study (McCarthy, 2019; McClellan et al., 2020; McGrath, 2019).
As a supplement to the Esports Management Summits offered by COSMA and Endicott College, COSMA has issued a call for further research and discussion regarding the implementation of Esports management within the existing institutional setting. Topics of specific note feature: Esports curriculum development, high-impact teaching practices, implementation of competitive teams, and student recruitment initiatives. Topics from all areas related to Esports will be considered while research from a variety of methodological approaches is encouraged.
Incorporating Socially Inclusive Pedagogy
In 2020, COSMA made an organizational commitment to pursue diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives within its leadership structure, membership, and the greater field of sport management. Part of this commitment is the continued pledge to advance dialogue around DEI and social justice initiatives. As such, COSMA continues its broad theme of “equity in sport” by focusing on incorporating social justice – and its many variants – in the classroom. As a nationwide audience exposed to social initiatives through the consumption of sport, sport management educators must navigate students’ perceptions and understanding of the field of sport management as it adapts within America and a global society.
Submissions may feature, but are not limited to: Race and Equity; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Gender; Sexual orientation; Disability; Economic class and status, etc. Pedagogy that seeks to provide a voice to marginalized populations increases student awareness and understanding of initiatives that may be unknown or unfamiliar to them (Gale et al., 2017) and can contribute to the formation of a more inclusive society. Topics from all areas related to esports will be considered while research from a variety of methodological approaches is encouraged.
Links to available presentation slides embedded in presentation title
Links to available presentation slides embedded in presentation title
12:00PM – Conference Check-In Begins
1:00PM – 5:10PM – Afternoon Sessions
1:00PM – 1:30PM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
Lights, Camera, Action- Sell! Selling A Partnership with HBCUs and Sports Industry Executives for Experiential Learning Experiences
Morris Bowden, Fayetteville State University
Rennae Stowe, Winston-Salem State University
Antonia Mead, Johnson C. Smith University
Joseph Martin-Toney, Johnson C. Smith University
Grand Salon
The Value of COSMA Accreditation: Elevating Experiential Learning in Sport Management
Tony Weaver, Elon University
Cara Lucia, Elon University
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Young Do Kim, Elon University
Reeves Theater
Don’t be Soft on Soft Skills: Codifying Student Soft Skills within the Undergraduate Sport Management Curriculum
Jonathan Rosenberg, College of Mount Saint Vincent
Simon Pack, St. John’s University
Serving as an Interim Administrator: The Good, the Bad and Sometimes the Temporary
Clay Stoldt, Wichita State University
Jennifer Kane, University of North Florida
Robert Baker, George Mason University
Damon Andrew, Florida State University
Matt Brown, University of South Carolina
1:40PM-2:10PM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
Examining experiential learning opportunities within U.S. Collegiate Sport Management Programs
Janet M. Howes, University of Saint Joseph
Cheryl R. Rode, Niagara University
Grand Salon
Exploring The Role of Mentorship in Graduate Sport Management Internships/Field Experiences
Reginald Overton, Jacksonville State University
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
Michael Ross, Shorter University
Reeves Theater
Post Pandemic: Is it time to Change Faculty and Employer Perceptions for Sport Management Experiential Learning?
Susan Foster, Sport Business Consulting, LLC
Michelle Harrolle, University of South Florida
April Arvan, Lakeland University
Padlet as an Education Tool: How to Engage Students Differently in the Classroom
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
2:20PM-2:40PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Best Practices for Supervising Sport Student Online Portfolios and Resume Preparation
Ted Kian, Oklahoma State University
Matthew H. Zimmerman, Mississippi State University
Grand Salon
Fostering Best Practices and Intentional Experiential Learning Opportunities
Michael Ross, Shorter University
Heath Hooper, Shorter University
Kyle Conkle, Shorter University
Reeves Theater
Can Internships Change Student Attitudes Regarding Group Work?
Martha Brown, North Carolina State University
Innovative Internships in Sport Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of Social Work Internship Coordinators
Lauren Beasley, Georgia State University
2:50PM-3:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Building a Career Focused Community: Taking our teaching outside of the classroom
Julie Lanzillo, Neumann University
Caleb Mezzy, Neumann University
Grand Salon
Tips for CAPS: On-campus service-learning in a facility management course
Jennifer VanSickle, University of Indianapolis
Reeves Theater
Trans Athlete Participation in Sport: Educational Gaps
Joey Gray, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Anna Beath, Athlete Ally
DeLorean Rosales, Cal Poly
Aliya Adegoke, Cal Poly
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Culturally Sustainable Pedagogy in the Sport Management Classroom
Cassandra Coble, Indiana University
Tanya Jones, Indiana University
3:20PM-3:40PM(20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Women Influencers in Sport (WINS) Program: Using Signature Pedagogies for Developing Leadership Capacity in Female Sport Management Students
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Grand Salon
The Challenging Path to Athletic Leadership for African American Women
Gregory Petersen, Johnson C. Smith University
Reeves Theater
U.S. Center for SafeSport: A Case Study on Wrestling Coaches' Perspectives
Rachel Silverman, Troy University
Sport Management Experiential Learning Opportunities in the Post COVID-19 Era: Planning, Flexibility, Technology and Student Safety Are the Key Ingredients
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
3:50PM-4:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Preparing Students for Post-Pandemic Employment Opportunities: Experiential Learning in Sport Tourism
Julie Lanzillo, Neumann University
Grand Salon
Microcredentials as a Means to Improve and Verify Experiential Learning in Sport Management
Amy Giddings, Temple University
Dan Getliff, Temple University
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Amanda Woit, Temple University
Brandon Mayer, Temple University
Reeves Theater
Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Skills Through Experiential Learning Projects in a Post-Pandemic Learning Environment
Ashley Bowers, Louisiana State University
Dee Jacobsen, Louisiana State University
Career Development of Minority Students in Sport and Leisure: An Application of Social Cognitive Career Theory
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Hilary Parkin, Troy University
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
4:20PM-4:40PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How can we prepare our students to lead?
Darlene Kluka, University of Pretoria
Grand Salon
International Student Athletes and OPT/CPT
E. Su Jara-Pazmino, University of West Georgia
Simon M. Pack, St. John’s University
Doyeon Won, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Reeves Theater
Earning Badges not Percentages
Emily Dane-Staples, St. John Fisher University
Nichols on the Green - High Impact Learning
Timothy Liptrap, Nichols College
Brian Wendry, Nichols College
David Hodge, Nichols College
4:50PM-5:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
From Classroom to the Stadium
Annie Valeant, Ohio University
Grand Salon
Best Practices for an Institutional Athletic Social Marketing Experience
Sloane Milstein, Colorado Mesa University
Dave Jahnke, Colorado Mesa University
Ashley Delaney, Colorado Mesa University
Reeves Theater
Scaffolded Experiential Learning for Increased Career Readiness in Undergraduate Sport Management Students
Amanda Woit, Temple University
Brandon Mayer, Temple University
5:30PM-7:30PM – Pirate Water Taxi Cruise ("SURF")
Hotel Tampa Riverwalk Dock
200 North Ashley Dr, Tampa, FL 33602
Dinner and Open Bar
HOF & CSM Honor Society Induction
5:30PM-7:30PM – Reception and Dinner at the Pool Bar! ("TURF")
Hotel Tampa Riverwalk Pool Bar
200 North Ashley Dr, Tampa, FL 33602
Open Bar and Appetizers/Dinner of your choice
Friday, February 3rd
8:00AM – Breakfast Social for All Attendees
Plant Hall, Fletcher Lounge
374 UT University Dr, Tampa, FL 33606
Case Study Cup Winners Announced!!
8:45AM – Featured Presentations
Knowledge Matters Inc.
Josh Derry, Account Executive
Athletic Performance Insight
Erik Cagnina, President & Founder
9:20AM - 11:50AM – Morning Sessions
9:20AM-9:50AM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
How much is enough? Faculty perceptions of collaborative writing, research misbehaviors, and authorship order
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Heather Lewis, Troy University
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
Kelsi Dickens, Troy University
Grand Salon
Why Living in a Sport Management Learning Community Matters
Cara Lucia, Elon University
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Mimi Benjamin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Mark Cryan, Elon University
Reeves Theater
Community Colleges - Universities Together: We are the Champions
Michael Pfahl, Owens Community College
W. Scott Bradshaw, Bucks County Community College
Brevard Community Room
Experiential Esports Education: Connecting Communities, Content and Competition
Matthew Drapeau, Benedict College
Paula Shelby, Benedict College
Cornell Sneed, Benedict College
Akilah Carter-Francique, Benedict College
Brittany Morrone, Benedict College
10:00AM-10:20AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Are Esports Really Sport and Are Sport Management Programs the Best Fit?
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
Exploring the Relationship among Academic Success and Game Mastery in Commercial Video Game Play at a Historically Black University
Jason Perry, Howard University
Todd Shurn, Howard University
Reeves Theater
Incorporating Mental Health Literacy into the Sport Management Curriculum
Lauren Beasley, Georgia State University
Amy E. Cox, Troy University
Robin Hardin, University of Tennessee
Brevard Community Room
An Exploration of Student-athletes Mental Health & Help Seeking Stigmas
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
10:30AM-10:50AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Creating an Esports Program at an HBCU
Paula Shelby, Benedict College
Cornell Sneed, Benedict College
Matthew Drapeau, Benedict College
Brittany Morrone, Benedict College
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
An Overview of The Importance of Experiential Learning in Sports and Esports Management
Karla Jones, Queens University of Charlotte
Reeves Theater
College Basketball Players Perceptions of Self-Esteem, Team Climate, and Coaching Support
Bobby Berry, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
Brevard Community Room
Championing Diversity in the Running Industry
Michael Clemons, University of Louisville
11:00AM-11:20AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Esports Management Certificate Program Development
Daniel Funk, Temple University
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Amy Giddings, Temple University
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
Apples to Oranges: How to Make Sense of Esports Online Spectatorship
Tyreal Yizhou Qian, Louisiana State University
Katja Sonkeng, James Madison University
Robbie Matz, Belmont University
Reeves Theater
Athletic Identity and Mental Health
Anthony DOnofrio, Endicott College
Brevard Community Room
Teaching in the Upside Down: What's Different in this COVID Teaching Environment, and How Can We Be More Inclusive Moving Forward
Heather Gilmour, Springfield College
11:30AM-11:50AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
College Esports Student-Athletes' Perceptions of Life Stress
Mike Ross, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
Grand Salon
Pathways to Adaptive Coping and Regulatory Responses Through Mental Health Literacy
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Teaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Evolving Sport Classroom
Julie Wienski, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Heather Gilmour, Springfield College
Brevard Community Room
Incorporating Socially Inclusive Pedagogy with Title III and Best Practices
Edward Royer, New England College
Matthew Ruckman, New England College
12:00PM – Lunch & Featured Workshop, Fletcher Lounge
Esports Management
Dr. Dina Gentile, Endicott College
Professor of Sport Management and Author, Introduction to Esports Management
1:00PM - 3:20PM – Afternoon Sessions
1:00PM-1:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Curricular Content of COSMA Accredited Programs
Emily Dane-Staples, St. John Fisher University
Katie Burakowski, St. John Fisher University
Jennifer VanSickle, University of Indianapolis
Grand Salon
Building Connections: Mental Health Literacy in Small Rural Universities
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Divisional Reclassification within Intercollegiate Athletics: A Continuous Online Case-Based Learning Approach
Martin Barrett, Frostburg State University
Brevard Community Room
Green Sports: How UF/IFAS Extension is bringing environmental education into and beyond the classroom
Randall Penn, University of Florida IFAS Extension
1:30PM-1:50PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Surviving the pandemic: Managers and students reflect on what skills allowed them to keep their jobs in the sport industry throughout COVID-19.
Daniel Burt, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Grand Salon
The Effect of Sports Retirement on Division II Athletes
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Kristi Bockorny, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Team Member Exchange Theory Transports Theory to Practice
Charles Crowley, Livingstone College
Andrea Pent, Livingstone College
Brevard Community Room
High school athletic directors: Secondary educational leaders’ perceptions
Mike Ross, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
2:00PM-2:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Where did they land? The 2019-2020 Graduates Employment Status
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Grand Salon
Redesigning Practice Regiments: The Influence of Temperaments and Constraints on Soccer Performance
Timothy Hinchman, Midwestern State University
Carrie Taylor, Midwestern State University
Reeves Theater
Inclusive Pedagogy through Multiple Intelligences
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Brevard Community Room
Exploring the effectiveness of mock “stock market” simulations in sport finance courses
Robbie Matz, Belmont University
Katja Sonkeng, James Madison University
Tyreal Qian, Louisiana State University
2:30PM-2:50PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Sport Court: Connecting Experiential Learning with Adult Learning Theories
Madeleine Herman, Gwynedd Mercy University
Grand Salon
Sustainable Cities: Incorporating the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals into your next sport facility planning project
Craig Morehead, Indiana State University
Reeves Theater
Reflecting back on 2020: The experiences of Black college student-athletes
Nick Givens, Kennesaw State University
Kameron Farmer, Kennesaw State University
B. Nalani Butler, Kennsaw State University
Brevard Community Room
High Impact Practices and Assessing Student Participation
Matthew Ruckman, New England College
Edward Royer, New England College
3:00PM-3:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Hard or Soft: What Skills are Sport Management Students Developing?
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
Taylor Behl, Flagler College
Grand Salon
HBCU- Learning Sport Management Asynchronously between Theory & Reality
Ezzeldin Aly, Florida A&M University
Lanh Moeub, Florida A&M University
Reeves Theater
Changing Outcomes through Positive Empowerment (COPE): Trauma Informed Group Counseling Experiences for Student Athletes
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Megan Kingsriter, Northern State University
1:00PM – 5:10PM – Afternoon Sessions
1:00PM – 1:30PM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
Lights, Camera, Action- Sell! Selling A Partnership with HBCUs and Sports Industry Executives for Experiential Learning Experiences
Morris Bowden, Fayetteville State University
Rennae Stowe, Winston-Salem State University
Antonia Mead, Johnson C. Smith University
Joseph Martin-Toney, Johnson C. Smith University
Grand Salon
The Value of COSMA Accreditation: Elevating Experiential Learning in Sport Management
Tony Weaver, Elon University
Cara Lucia, Elon University
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Young Do Kim, Elon University
Reeves Theater
Don’t be Soft on Soft Skills: Codifying Student Soft Skills within the Undergraduate Sport Management Curriculum
Jonathan Rosenberg, College of Mount Saint Vincent
Simon Pack, St. John’s University
Serving as an Interim Administrator: The Good, the Bad and Sometimes the Temporary
Clay Stoldt, Wichita State University
Jennifer Kane, University of North Florida
Robert Baker, George Mason University
Damon Andrew, Florida State University
Matt Brown, University of South Carolina
1:40PM-2:10PM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
Examining experiential learning opportunities within U.S. Collegiate Sport Management Programs
Janet M. Howes, University of Saint Joseph
Cheryl R. Rode, Niagara University
Grand Salon
Exploring The Role of Mentorship in Graduate Sport Management Internships/Field Experiences
Reginald Overton, Jacksonville State University
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
Michael Ross, Shorter University
Reeves Theater
Post Pandemic: Is it time to Change Faculty and Employer Perceptions for Sport Management Experiential Learning?
Susan Foster, Sport Business Consulting, LLC
Michelle Harrolle, University of South Florida
April Arvan, Lakeland University
Padlet as an Education Tool: How to Engage Students Differently in the Classroom
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
2:20PM-2:40PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Best Practices for Supervising Sport Student Online Portfolios and Resume Preparation
Ted Kian, Oklahoma State University
Matthew H. Zimmerman, Mississippi State University
Grand Salon
Fostering Best Practices and Intentional Experiential Learning Opportunities
Michael Ross, Shorter University
Heath Hooper, Shorter University
Kyle Conkle, Shorter University
Reeves Theater
Can Internships Change Student Attitudes Regarding Group Work?
Martha Brown, North Carolina State University
Innovative Internships in Sport Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of Social Work Internship Coordinators
Lauren Beasley, Georgia State University
2:50PM-3:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Building a Career Focused Community: Taking our teaching outside of the classroom
Julie Lanzillo, Neumann University
Caleb Mezzy, Neumann University
Grand Salon
Tips for CAPS: On-campus service-learning in a facility management course
Jennifer VanSickle, University of Indianapolis
Reeves Theater
Trans Athlete Participation in Sport: Educational Gaps
Joey Gray, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Anna Beath, Athlete Ally
DeLorean Rosales, Cal Poly
Aliya Adegoke, Cal Poly
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Culturally Sustainable Pedagogy in the Sport Management Classroom
Cassandra Coble, Indiana University
Tanya Jones, Indiana University
3:20PM-3:40PM(20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Women Influencers in Sport (WINS) Program: Using Signature Pedagogies for Developing Leadership Capacity in Female Sport Management Students
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Grand Salon
The Challenging Path to Athletic Leadership for African American Women
Gregory Petersen, Johnson C. Smith University
Reeves Theater
U.S. Center for SafeSport: A Case Study on Wrestling Coaches' Perspectives
Rachel Silverman, Troy University
Sport Management Experiential Learning Opportunities in the Post COVID-19 Era: Planning, Flexibility, Technology and Student Safety Are the Key Ingredients
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
3:50PM-4:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Preparing Students for Post-Pandemic Employment Opportunities: Experiential Learning in Sport Tourism
Julie Lanzillo, Neumann University
Grand Salon
Microcredentials as a Means to Improve and Verify Experiential Learning in Sport Management
Amy Giddings, Temple University
Dan Getliff, Temple University
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Amanda Woit, Temple University
Brandon Mayer, Temple University
Reeves Theater
Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Skills Through Experiential Learning Projects in a Post-Pandemic Learning Environment
Ashley Bowers, Louisiana State University
Dee Jacobsen, Louisiana State University
Career Development of Minority Students in Sport and Leisure: An Application of Social Cognitive Career Theory
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Hilary Parkin, Troy University
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
4:20PM-4:40PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How can we prepare our students to lead?
Darlene Kluka, University of Pretoria
Grand Salon
International Student Athletes and OPT/CPT
E. Su Jara-Pazmino, University of West Georgia
Simon M. Pack, St. John’s University
Doyeon Won, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Reeves Theater
Earning Badges not Percentages
Emily Dane-Staples, St. John Fisher University
Nichols on the Green - High Impact Learning
Timothy Liptrap, Nichols College
Brian Wendry, Nichols College
David Hodge, Nichols College
4:50PM-5:10PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
From Classroom to the Stadium
Annie Valeant, Ohio University
Grand Salon
Best Practices for an Institutional Athletic Social Marketing Experience
Sloane Milstein, Colorado Mesa University
Dave Jahnke, Colorado Mesa University
Ashley Delaney, Colorado Mesa University
Reeves Theater
Scaffolded Experiential Learning for Increased Career Readiness in Undergraduate Sport Management Students
Amanda Woit, Temple University
Brandon Mayer, Temple University
5:30PM-7:30PM – Pirate Water Taxi Cruise ("SURF")
Hotel Tampa Riverwalk Dock
200 North Ashley Dr, Tampa, FL 33602
Dinner and Open Bar
HOF & CSM Honor Society Induction
5:30PM-7:30PM – Reception and Dinner at the Pool Bar! ("TURF")
Hotel Tampa Riverwalk Pool Bar
200 North Ashley Dr, Tampa, FL 33602
Open Bar and Appetizers/Dinner of your choice
Friday, February 3rd
8:00AM – Breakfast Social for All Attendees
Plant Hall, Fletcher Lounge
374 UT University Dr, Tampa, FL 33606
Case Study Cup Winners Announced!!
8:45AM – Featured Presentations
Knowledge Matters Inc.
Josh Derry, Account Executive
Athletic Performance Insight
Erik Cagnina, President & Founder
9:20AM - 11:50AM – Morning Sessions
9:20AM-9:50AM (Workshops & Panel Presentations, 30 minute sessions)
Music Room
How much is enough? Faculty perceptions of collaborative writing, research misbehaviors, and authorship order
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Heather Lewis, Troy University
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
Kelsi Dickens, Troy University
Grand Salon
Why Living in a Sport Management Learning Community Matters
Cara Lucia, Elon University
Shaina Dabbs, Elon University
Mimi Benjamin, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Mark Cryan, Elon University
Reeves Theater
Community Colleges - Universities Together: We are the Champions
Michael Pfahl, Owens Community College
W. Scott Bradshaw, Bucks County Community College
Brevard Community Room
Experiential Esports Education: Connecting Communities, Content and Competition
Matthew Drapeau, Benedict College
Paula Shelby, Benedict College
Cornell Sneed, Benedict College
Akilah Carter-Francique, Benedict College
Brittany Morrone, Benedict College
10:00AM-10:20AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Are Esports Really Sport and Are Sport Management Programs the Best Fit?
Robert Case, Old Dominion University
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
Exploring the Relationship among Academic Success and Game Mastery in Commercial Video Game Play at a Historically Black University
Jason Perry, Howard University
Todd Shurn, Howard University
Reeves Theater
Incorporating Mental Health Literacy into the Sport Management Curriculum
Lauren Beasley, Georgia State University
Amy E. Cox, Troy University
Robin Hardin, University of Tennessee
Brevard Community Room
An Exploration of Student-athletes Mental Health & Help Seeking Stigmas
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
10:30AM-10:50AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Creating an Esports Program at an HBCU
Paula Shelby, Benedict College
Cornell Sneed, Benedict College
Matthew Drapeau, Benedict College
Brittany Morrone, Benedict College
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
An Overview of The Importance of Experiential Learning in Sports and Esports Management
Karla Jones, Queens University of Charlotte
Reeves Theater
College Basketball Players Perceptions of Self-Esteem, Team Climate, and Coaching Support
Bobby Berry, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
Brevard Community Room
Championing Diversity in the Running Industry
Michael Clemons, University of Louisville
11:00AM-11:20AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
Esports Management Certificate Program Development
Daniel Funk, Temple University
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Amy Giddings, Temple University
Grand Salon (Esports Management Track)
Apples to Oranges: How to Make Sense of Esports Online Spectatorship
Tyreal Yizhou Qian, Louisiana State University
Katja Sonkeng, James Madison University
Robbie Matz, Belmont University
Reeves Theater
Athletic Identity and Mental Health
Anthony DOnofrio, Endicott College
Brevard Community Room
Teaching in the Upside Down: What's Different in this COVID Teaching Environment, and How Can We Be More Inclusive Moving Forward
Heather Gilmour, Springfield College
11:30AM-11:50AM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room (Esports Management Track)
College Esports Student-Athletes' Perceptions of Life Stress
Mike Ross, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
Grand Salon
Pathways to Adaptive Coping and Regulatory Responses Through Mental Health Literacy
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Teaching Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Evolving Sport Classroom
Julie Wienski, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Heather Gilmour, Springfield College
Brevard Community Room
Incorporating Socially Inclusive Pedagogy with Title III and Best Practices
Edward Royer, New England College
Matthew Ruckman, New England College
12:00PM – Lunch & Featured Workshop, Fletcher Lounge
Esports Management
Dr. Dina Gentile, Endicott College
Professor of Sport Management and Author, Introduction to Esports Management
1:00PM - 3:20PM – Afternoon Sessions
1:00PM-1:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Curricular Content of COSMA Accredited Programs
Emily Dane-Staples, St. John Fisher University
Katie Burakowski, St. John Fisher University
Jennifer VanSickle, University of Indianapolis
Grand Salon
Building Connections: Mental Health Literacy in Small Rural Universities
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Alex Lynn, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Thomas Wolf, Northern State University
Mia Fursedonne, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Divisional Reclassification within Intercollegiate Athletics: A Continuous Online Case-Based Learning Approach
Martin Barrett, Frostburg State University
Brevard Community Room
Green Sports: How UF/IFAS Extension is bringing environmental education into and beyond the classroom
Randall Penn, University of Florida IFAS Extension
1:30PM-1:50PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Surviving the pandemic: Managers and students reflect on what skills allowed them to keep their jobs in the sport industry throughout COVID-19.
Daniel Burt, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Grand Salon
The Effect of Sports Retirement on Division II Athletes
Garret Thompson, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Kristi Bockorny, Northern State University
Shelby Novotny, Northern State University
Reeves Theater
Team Member Exchange Theory Transports Theory to Practice
Charles Crowley, Livingstone College
Andrea Pent, Livingstone College
Brevard Community Room
High school athletic directors: Secondary educational leaders’ perceptions
Mike Ross, Wichita State University
Mark Vermillion, Wichita State University
2:00PM-2:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Where did they land? The 2019-2020 Graduates Employment Status
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Grand Salon
Redesigning Practice Regiments: The Influence of Temperaments and Constraints on Soccer Performance
Timothy Hinchman, Midwestern State University
Carrie Taylor, Midwestern State University
Reeves Theater
Inclusive Pedagogy through Multiple Intelligences
Rammi Hazzaa, University of Saint Joseph
Nicole Sellars, Troy University
Brevard Community Room
Exploring the effectiveness of mock “stock market” simulations in sport finance courses
Robbie Matz, Belmont University
Katja Sonkeng, James Madison University
Tyreal Qian, Louisiana State University
2:30PM-2:50PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Sport Court: Connecting Experiential Learning with Adult Learning Theories
Madeleine Herman, Gwynedd Mercy University
Grand Salon
Sustainable Cities: Incorporating the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals into your next sport facility planning project
Craig Morehead, Indiana State University
Reeves Theater
Reflecting back on 2020: The experiences of Black college student-athletes
Nick Givens, Kennesaw State University
Kameron Farmer, Kennesaw State University
B. Nalani Butler, Kennsaw State University
Brevard Community Room
High Impact Practices and Assessing Student Participation
Matthew Ruckman, New England College
Edward Royer, New England College
3:00PM-3:20PM (20 minute sessions)
Music Room
Hard or Soft: What Skills are Sport Management Students Developing?
Ashley Ryder, Flagler College
Jillian McNiff Villemaire, Flagler College
Taylor Behl, Flagler College
Grand Salon
HBCU- Learning Sport Management Asynchronously between Theory & Reality
Ezzeldin Aly, Florida A&M University
Lanh Moeub, Florida A&M University
Reeves Theater
Changing Outcomes through Positive Empowerment (COPE): Trauma Informed Group Counseling Experiences for Student Athletes
Shalini Mathew, Northern State University
Chelsee Shortt, Northern State University
Kelsie Roberts, Northern State University
Lauren Pierce, Northern State University
Megan Kingsriter, Northern State University