Board of Directors
The COSMA Board of Directors (BOD) is comprised of nine members. At least four come from COSMA membership, one at-large member to fill representational needs, and one from a minority-serving institution. The BOD normally meet once a year and provides general oversight of the affairs of COSMA such as: setting & monitoring the effectiveness of policies & procedures, approval of the annual budget & contracts, monitoring membership recruitment & public relations, and adopting rules & regulations for the conduct of its business.
The BOD shall elect its own chair at the beginning of each year. The Chair will run the meetings and be a spokesperson for the BOD and COSMA. The BOD shall have such authority as is necessary and appropriate for the general oversight of the affairs of COSMA. Included among its authority and responsibilities are:
- Establishing the policies and procedures essential to accomplishing the mission and goals of COSMA and its proper functioning;
- Establishing committees and task forces, as necessary, and appointing members to these committees and task forces;
- Approving the annual budget and strategic plan of COSMA; Approving all contracts and other legal documents of COSMA;
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the policies, procedures, and activities of COSMA and approving changes and improvements where appropriate;
- Monitoring membership recruitment, public relations, and recognition of COSMA by appropriate agencies or groups.
- Monitoring any misuse or misrepresentation of the COSMA name and the COSMA accreditation process;
- Adopting such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it shall deem advisable and may, in the execution of the powers granted, delegate certain of its authority and responsibility to the Executive Director.
A Board Member's Guide to Accreditation (CHEA, 2016)
Four Directors shall be members that represent the diversity of institutions in sport management in terms of size, public/private, geographic location, and types of institutions; one Director shall represent minority serving institutions; one shall be an At-Large position to fulfill any representational needs; one shall keep records of all meetings (“Program Director/Program-Secretary Director”). Of the remaining Directors, one Director shall be a member of the sport management Business/Industry (“Industry Director”); one Director shall be a graduate level student (“Student Director”); and one Director shall be a member with expertise in non- or for-profit finance and act as a Treasurer (“Finance Director”). The COSMA Executive Director shall serve as an “ex-officio” member of the COSMA Board of Directors. The current Chair of the BOC shall serve as “BOC representative” and will have no vote.
Terms of Office
Each Director shall take office at the conclusion of the election and serve a term of three years. The Student Director will serve a term of one year or up to two years. The terms of office of the Directors will be staggered. Directors may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
- An overview of accreditation: what it is, its values and how it operates.
- Accreditation's relationship with federal and state governments.
- The impact of accreditation on colleges and universities.
- The role of governing boards in engaging accreditation.
Four Directors shall be members that represent the diversity of institutions in sport management in terms of size, public/private, geographic location, and types of institutions; one Director shall represent minority serving institutions; one shall be an At-Large position to fulfill any representational needs; one shall keep records of all meetings (“Program Director/Program-Secretary Director”). Of the remaining Directors, one Director shall be a member of the sport management Business/Industry (“Industry Director”); one Director shall be a graduate level student (“Student Director”); and one Director shall be a member with expertise in non- or for-profit finance and act as a Treasurer (“Finance Director”). The COSMA Executive Director shall serve as an “ex-officio” member of the COSMA Board of Directors. The current Chair of the BOC shall serve as “BOC representative” and will have no vote.
Terms of Office
Each Director shall take office at the conclusion of the election and serve a term of three years. The Student Director will serve a term of one year or up to two years. The terms of office of the Directors will be staggered. Directors may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
Dr. Rachel Silverman
University of Nebraska, Kearney 2-year term (2025) |
Dr. Heath Hooper
Shorter University 3-year term (2026) |
Dr. Susan Foster
Sport Business Consulting 3-year term (2026) |