Step 4: Site Visit
site visit preparation
CHEA article: How to Stop Worrying and Embrace an On-Site Team Visit
Video: Hosting a Virtual Site Visit. Dr. Beth Easter from Southeast Missouri State University discusses the planning, technology needs, site visit schedule and benefits of hosting a virtual COSMA site visit.
When preparing for a site visit, consult this presentation that outlines the site visit process' best practices from the perspective of a visited program and the site reviewer: Two Perspectives on Site Visit Preparation. Site visit experience
COSMA Site Visit Team, Ms. Amanda Zuschmidt, Lancaster Bible College, and Dr. Brittany Jacobs, Nichols College, discuss their preparation and experiences conducting a virtual Reaffirmation of Accreditation site visit.
Who are COSMA Site reviewers?
Site reviewers are selected from qualified and professionally trained members of COSMA. Many site reviewers are from accredited Program Members, are former Board of Commissioner members, or are on the Board of Directors. Individual members and program members who are preparing for a COSMA site visit may also act as site reviewers. Each accreditation site visit is conducted by a team of two professionally trained program evaluators. COSMA selects site visit team members from a pool of well-qualified persons with experience in the evaluation process. The team Chair is appointed by COSMA headquarters and is responsible for assuring that the visit is conducted objectively. The composition of the team and the qualifications of its members are influenced by the institution's size, program complexity, and number of off-campus locations. Potential site evaluators must attend a Site Evaluator Training Workshop - in person or online. Site evaluator trainings are offered frequently throughout the year. Responsibilities as a COSMA Site Reviewer
The site team members play a key role in maintaining the integrity of the COSMA accreditation process. Accordingly, all members of the team, before accepting an assignment, must agree to avoid impropriety, avoid being partial, refrain from inappropriate activity, and preserve the confidential nature of the information reviewed during the site visit. Additional Materials: Site reviewer training
conflicts of interest
COSMA is committed to avoiding potential conflicts of interest by evaluators, and thus uses the following guidelines when determining site visit team composition:
Post-Evaluation of Site Team Members
Site team members are evaluated by the program and are also encouraged to review each others' performance in connection with the site visit process that was used. Topics that are addressed by a site visit team member include, but are not limited to:
I am a site reviewer. What gifts may I accept from institutions? Tickets to sporting events?
Please refuse any gifts offered to you. The institution is allowed to buy your meals, but no memorabilia should be accepted. Tickets to sporting events should not be accepted.
Can I record the interviews I conduct on site?
Please take notes and do not record any interviews. The institution should not record interviews either.
Should I interview alumni?
COSMA will work with you to establish a site review schedule that is acceptable to you. Alumni interviews should be established if that is agreed upon by the program and the site review team. The two-day site visit template in the site visit manual serves as a guideline, but please tailor the site visit interviews to fit your institution and your program.
Should I interview internship coordinators/athletic groups?
As with alumni, this would be an excellent group to try to interview, particularly if it is central to your program's mission.