Step 1: Program Membership
Eligibility for program membership
In order for an academic unit/sport management program to be considered for program membership in COSMA, the following criteria must be satisfied:
In order to become a program member of COSMA, an academic unit/sport management program must:
COSMA is instituting a process to allow “limited resource institutions*” a reduced fee for membership. COSMA wants to enable all sport management programs to afford the accreditation process and to ensure a more equitable financial process for member institutions. Other adjustments to membership fees will be determined on a case-by-case basis annually.
* Be among the bottom 15 percent of active Division I schools from a resource standpoint, as determined by per capita school expenditures, per capita athletics department funding and per capita Pell Grant aid for the student body. OR Be a member of a conference in which 60 percent of the schools are among the bottom 15 percent of active Division I members from a resource standpoint. (AASP Grants for Schools -
Year 2: $990 (50% of $1,980) Year 3: $1,485 (75% of $1,980) Year 4: $1,980 (100%) COSMA's Scope of Accreditation (as recognized by CHEA):
COSMA accredits sport management programs in institutions of higher education worldwide that grant degrees at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. COSMA will review submitted materials and, upon acceptance as a program member, will contact the academic unit/sport management program’s primary representative regarding the candidacy status process. Non-U.S.-based programs: COSMA will make a reasonable effort to communicate with and consult with appropriate governmental and nongovernmental accreditation or quality assurance entities in other countries. |